Sunday, February 8, 2015

Looking for some help

For several years I have been teaching a Korean graphic novel in my World Literature course.

The Color of Earth, by Kim Dong Hwa is a beautiful book and beautiful story.  And because I lived in this amazing country (eleven years ago, but who's counting), I really, REALLY want a copy of this book (or the entire trilogy) in Korean.

As internet savvy as I consider myself to be, I cannot locate a Korean copy of this book online.  This is the closest I've come:

An image of the Korean covers.  That's it.  No way to purchase it.

So I'm finally reaching out for help.  Can someone please help me acquire this book or series in the original Korean?  If you find it online, that'd be best (post a link in the comment box).  If you know someone in South Korea (preferably who knows English!) who you could put me in touch with, that would be awesome.

And before you ask, no, I don't speak or read Korean.  So what's the point of having a copy of a book I can't actually read?  Comparison.  Side by side comparison.  Even if it's only the artwork and word/thought bubbles, I want to compare the versions.  

If you can help me with this personal, professional, and scholarly pursuit, I would very much appreciate it.  I might even send you some cookies.  :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Two posts in one day?!?!

I just glanced at the Dec 23 entry and wanted to add an update: though I lost a course at the last minute, I received a phone call from my department chair in the middle of the first week of classes.  One of her instructors had just quit (had found a full-time job), and she wanted to know if I would be able take the class. 

Uh, yes.  Please!!!!

So, I frantically prepared a syllabus (I've taught the course before, but it's quite different to come in a week late), and now I'm teaching three courses this semester instead of two.  What an amazing relief--both financially and emotionally!

God is good!

So, I should still have a bit of free time (unlike last semester), but I should also be busy enough to keep crippling apathy and depression at bay.

Anyone want to hang out?  I'm feeling artsy: I'd love to paint, practice my photography more (both b&w and digital--I have a new Canon digital SLR!), work with pastels, improve my calligraphy--and this is just the stuff I have supplies for (and yet still pretty much suck at).  Travel also sounds amazing, but I'm pretty sure I'd need a beneficent donor to help with that one!

Feeling pretty good at the moment.  Smooches to all!

Not cool enough for graphic novels

Everyone else reads them.  Everyone else enjoys them (okay, I work at an art school....).  I even teach (and like) one: The Color of Earth, a really great Bildungsroman from a Korean master of manwha, in my World Literature course. 

But, I'm discovering that I don't like graphic novels.

When asked to pilot a new course--Narrative Studies--I really wanted to include a graphic novel.  How hard could it be to find a great one, really?  There are so many classics, so many that people rave about.

I started with Watchmen several months ago. I mean that I literally started reading Watchmen several months ago.  It wasn't going well, so I gave V for Vendetta a try.  I nearly gave up 40 pages in.  But it got better, considerably better.  But I don't think it's a book I can teach--for a host of reasons.  But I'm still struggling through Watchmen!
 I haven't finished it yet; I'm forcing my way through it little by little, making slow progress. 

On my bookshelf, I still have Maus and Persepolis (either of which I could use for World Lit), but I'm so disillusioned with the genre that I can't see to pull them off the shelf.  The art is rather unimpressive (and almost distractingly bad compared to others), so I'd be focusing on story, which is fine, as that's what books are for.  But...I'd rather just read a pictureless book then.

Perhaps I'm too old, too old-fashioned, not eclectic enough for graphic novels.  Or perhaps I'm just reading the wrong things.