Friday, July 17, 2009

the garden

We've had several meals with green beans, but most of the garden hadn't been doing much of anything except get more greenery--not anything to eat. The tomatoes are 4-5 feet tall and, until a couple of days ago, didn't have any tomatoes! But I now have 3 green balls that I can only hope will turn into tomatoes. I also have picked 4 cucumbers in the last 3 days, and there are 3 more that will be ready in the next few days. They are taking over the garden, wrapping little tendrils around everything near them. They're actually creeping up the back fence. If the deer don't eat what's creeping, they might take over the world. I have 6-8 pepper plants, and they have nothing even resembling peppers on them. The corn, a big surprise, is already 6 feet tall and is showing about 4 ears. I have no idea how to tell when they're ready, but I suppose someone in my family of farmers can help me out. The broccoli that I had completely given up on now has decided to get little green...broccoli on it.
Ah, my boring life of watching the garden grow.