Friday, March 27, 2009

more kitties!

Here are some pictures of my kitties, who are basically my kids--be patient with me, this is as exciting as my life gets!

Here's Bailey at Jon's old place. "May I help you? What, haven't you ever seen a cat just sitting patiently in a cupboard under a sink before?"

Here's Remy, also at Jon's old place. She thinks she fits here; we beg to differ. She could not care less.

Ginny: "Wait, you can see me?"
Remy again. "Yes. I was taking a nap in the pantry. (And yes, I understand I'm not supposed to be here.) Just close the door and walk away before I kill you with my death stare."

Ginny and Bailey. Biggest two-headed cat EVER.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Remy has killed me so many times with her death stare that I've lost count.